NOKTOsat Satellite Images
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Environmental Impact Studies of Light Pollution and Street Lighting (EIS)
Sky Darkness Certification
Ranking of Light Pollution of the 8124 Spanish Municipalities
With the direct collaboration of GEASIG, we have been able to carry out the Light Pollution Ranking of the 8124 municipalities in Spain.
This ranking, among other multiple uses, can be a very good option for those companies that want to optimize their commercial resources in the detection of new business opportunities and focus their efforts on conquering those areas of Spain with the worst results.
Our studies are used to create comprehensive reports on the Environmental Impact of Light Pollution, as a complement to studies on Citizen Safety, Health and Energy Efficiency, among others that offer the best ways to proceed on the new Smart Cities Design.
In order to access the study more immediately, you can contact us or make a contribution through Patreon. Thank´s
Sky Darkness Measurement – DSDV
In order to offer a comprehensive service for the writing of reports on the environmental impact of Light Pollution, we have incorporated a vehicle with the ability to travel long distances and house the necessary equipment to obtain data and measurements in all types of environments. it’s the DSDV – Dark Sky Defender Van.
Thanks to the commitment acquired with the UCM to obtain measurements, we have the equipment that the researchers themselves use for this type of study.
Caption: DSDV – Light Pollution Measures in the National Park of Doñana & Delivery of Photometer to Savestars Consulting for DSDV
Light Pollution Map with Drone Images
In the research sector, drones, as they are commonly known or RPA’s, are an increasingly evident asset that exceeds, in most cases, expectations after seeing the results obtained with the help of these small unmanned aircraft.
In our team we have accredited and highly experienced pilots with more than 200 hours of flight with drones of different weights and flight capacities.
In addition, we are in direct contact with one of the Advisors in the matter of drones / RPAs for the AESA – State Agency for Aviation Safety, which guarantees us to be up to date with the news in this sector.